DTH work

  • DTH is short for “down-the-hole. The DTH hammer is one of the fastest ways to drill hard rock
  • DTH products can be used in the following applications:
  • Mining- drill and blast holes in open pit mining, where the drill operator will drill several holes, then fill with explosives and detonate to lift rock allowing access to ore body
  • RC- mineral exploration and pit grade control (needs specialized reversed circulation hammers)
  • RAB – rotary air blast – mineral exploration using a conventional DTH hammer
  • GW – geothermal bore holes and waterwells
  • Oil and Gas – Deep well bore holes: air hammers can be used as long as cutting uplift and borehole stability are ensured. For deeper wells, new DTH technologies including water hammer and mud hammer can be used to improve drilling rates in hard rocks.
  • Construction industry – Piling, footings, soil nailing